Marriage Letter

Type Equipment
Enhancer Pts 160
Enhancer Cost 48000
Zeni Cost 113500
Zeni Sales Price 11350
Tour Coins 5800
Soul Coins 7250
Gems 200
Basic Information
This letter, a symbol of celebration, glows with a dazzling light. It was written by a joyful man and woman vowing to spend the rest of their lives together, and brings good fortune to all those who take it in hand. It is also said to blow away dark clouds that hang over the future, and to guard against seduction by others.
[Bride/Bridegroom-Only Equipment] LUCK +16, PATK +20, MATK +20, HP +40, Blind Res +5, Charm Res +13, Sleep Res +8, Slow Res +8
Materials Zeni Cost
Equipment Stats
Type Min Max
LUCK +16 +24
PATK +20 +30
MATK +20 +30
HP +40 +60
Blind Res +5 +8
Charm Res +13 +20
Sleep Res +8 +12
Slow Res +8 +12