AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code. You can download the game on iOS and Android.


スキルに対しても発動するリアクション。確率70% 100%沈黙。[射程:1,高低差:1]

Skill Details
Type Reaction
ATK Type Strike
DMG Type Physical
Reaction Damage Type TotalDamage
Element None
ATK Scaling 0.85 * (PATK + AGI / 2 + AGI * Level / 100 + DEX / 4)
Effect Type Attack
Effect Calc Fixed
Effect Value
Min: 30
Max: 100
Effect Rate 70
Ignore Defense Rate -90
Target EnemySide
Range 0-2
Select Range Diamond
Height 3
Range Display
Area Display
Timing Reaction
  • FixedDamage
  • AllDamageReaction
Target Condition Details
Type ForcedFailCondition
Rate 100
Value 100
Check Target Target
Check Timing ActionStart
Turns 4