AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code. You can download the game on iOS and Android.


真理念装グループが『十戒衆』のHP70%アップ 打撃攻撃力20%アップ 素早さ5%アップ <傲慢>特効40%アップ <暴食>特効20%アップ

Skill Details
Type Passive
Effect Type Buff
Target SelfSide
Condition CardLsSkill
Timing Passive
Target Buff Details
HP (Scale) 70
Strike ATK Power (Add) 20
AGI (Scale) 5
Strong vs Pride (Add) 40
Strong vs Gluttony (Add) 20
Check Target Target
Check Timing Eternal
Condition CardLsSkill
Custom Target 1
Memento Group