AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

Give It Everything You've Got!

Light Strike ATK on units within area & dispels CT Up for three turns & lowers Light Res/Strike Res for three turns (Stackable up to 2x) & dispels CT Up for three turns [Range: 1, Area: Lateral (3), Height Range: 2]

Skill Details
Type Skill
Cost 20
ATK Type Strike
DMG Type Physical
Element Light
ATK Scaling 0.85 * (MATK + AGI / 2 + AGI * Level / 100 + DEX / 4)
Effect Type Attack
Effect Calc Scale
Effect Value
Min: 40
Max: 70
Target NotSelf
Range 0-1
Select Range Laser
Scope 2
Select Scope Laser
Height 2
Range Display
Area Display
Charges 3
Stackable 2 Times
Timing Used
Target Buff Details
Light Res (Add) -30
Strike Res (Add) -25
Check Target Target
Check Timing ActionStart
Turns 3
Target Condition Details
Type DisableCondition
Rate 100
Check Target Target