AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
ビートルスウィング(DEF) Skill Strike Physical
Slumber Splash Skill Pierce Physical
Anchor Spear Skill Pierce Physical
BOPバフソル Skill - -
BOPバフネロ Skill - -
HP消費量軽減1-100 Passive - -
二千日記念アスラ Skill Slash Physical
火・水・風・雷反射 Skill - -
堅守【物】 Skill - -
カウンタークローバック Reaction Slash Physical
引き寄せ Skill Strike Physical
力を溜める Skill - -
Armed-Leap Assault Skill Slash Physical
CRIT Armed Multihit Skill Slash Physical
Unlock Limit Passive - -
Cross-Halt Blade Skill Slash Physical
Paralyzing Blade Skill Slash Physical
Four-Edged Blade Skill Slash Physical
Sacrificial Soul Shot Skill Slash Physical
Charge Skill - -
Eldritch Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Dark Bringer Skill Slash Physical
Twin Star Epsilon Skill Magic Magical
[Twin Abolution] Epsilon Skill Magic Magical
[Cleansing Corruption] Arcturus Skill Magic Magical
[Cleansing Corruption] Arcturus Skill Magic Magical
[Cleansing Storm] Canopus Skill Magic Magical
[Heavenly Purification] Sirius Skill - -
Vessel of Purification Passive - -
Sephiron's Blessing Reaction - -
[Exorcism] Fomalhaut Skill - -
[Atonement] Alphard Skill - -
[World Reborn] Regulus Skill - -
[Purifying Song] Asterism Skill Magic Magical
[Purifying Sound] Asterism Skill Magic Magical
Attack (Emmel) Attack Strike Physical
Laser Skill Magic Magical
Fatal Risk Skill - -
超魔神斬り Skill Slash Physical
起爆撃 Skill Magic Magical
我が身の分身 Additional - -
我が精鋭達よ集え Skill - -
我の矛となれ Skill - -
我の盾となれ Skill - -
我がしもべ達よ集え Skill - -
光&闇属性以外耐性999 Passive - -
Cross Burst Additional - Physical
Cross Burst Skill - -
Countdown 3 Skill - -
Countdown 2 Skill - -
Countdown 1 Skill - -
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Widespread Knockback Shot Skill Missile Physical
Restart Reaction - Physical
Taunt Skill - -
極炎獄霊覇 Skill Magic Magical
爆炎の支配者の剣★5 Item - -
爆炎の支配者の剣★3~4 Item - -
ディアブロ配布武具効果★4~5 Item - -
漆黒之輪廻 Skill Magic Magical
ディアブロ配布武具効果★3 Item - -
シェイナ念装武具ステータス Item - -
Ikasa Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Anti-Curse "Beisan" Skill Missile Physical
Alchemy Source Gear 5★ Item - -
Alchemy Source Gear 4★ Item - -
Shenmei Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Quence Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Traces of Eternity Passive - -
[Memento] Ignacio Passive - -
Ainanna Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
原初の悪魔の風格 Skill - -
転スラビジョン武具装備効果 Item - -
イフリートの狂気 Skill - -
【念装武具】抗魔の仮面 Passive - -
Alchemia Dispersion Skill - -
Howling Dragon's Blaze Skill - -
Howling Dragon's Blaze Skill - -
Basheeny Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
Ambrosia Memento Vision Equip Gear Status Item - -
セレブレイトシールド Skill - -
2000日記念ネックレス装備効果 Item - -
Thread of Life Passive - -
Waking Goddess Skill - -
Glowing Threads Item - -
Sleeping Miracle Skill - -
Staff of Pure Threads Item - -
Endearing Aura Passive - -
Silencing Thread Skill Magic Magical