AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
Tempest Magia Skill Missile Magical
Set Blast Skill Missile Magical
Tempest Cannon Skill Missile Magical
Magia Snipe Skill Missile Magical
Bolt Bullet Skill Missile Magical
Rah Trident Skill Missile Magical
Blinding Circle Skill - -
Transcendence Skill - -
Blood Seal Skill - -
Summon Three-Headed Dragon Skill Magic Physical
Dark Fiasco Skill Special Physical
Summon Python Storm Skill Magic Physical
Summon Toad Flow Skill Magic Physical
Attack (GUNL) Attack Pierce Physical
Summon Three-Headed Dragon Skill Magic Physical
尻尾攻撃 Skill Strike Physical
咆哮 Skill - -
しゃくりあげ Skill Strike Physical
踏みつける Reaction Strike Physical
針万本 Skill Missile Physical
槍雷撃 Reaction Pierce Physical
攻撃スキル(FF15_GARURA) Attack Strike Physical
しゃくりあげ Skill Strike Physical
Wailing Wild Eagle Passive - -
のしかかり Skill Strike Physical
大暴れ Reaction Strike Physical
攻撃スキル(FF15_GARURA) Attack Strike Physical
しゃくりあげ Skill Strike Physical
のしかかり Skill Strike Physical
大暴れ Reaction Strike Physical
攻撃スキル(FF15_MORUBORU) Attack Strike Physical
臭い息・暗闇 Skill - Physical
Max Charge Passive - -
臭い息・魅了 Skill - Physical
飲み込み Skill - Physical
毒液散布 Skill - Physical
毒液散布・反撃 Reaction - Physical
Light Flower Skill Missile Physical
Burst Blitz Skill Missile Physical
Spark Flower Skill Missile Physical
Heaven's Raid Skill Missile Physical
Grace Face Skill - -
Prism Flower Skill Missile Physical
Seti Bullet Skill Missile Physical
Shell Cycle Skill - -
Aperience Skill - -
Neo Weakness Skill - -
Calamity Raid Skill Missile Physical
Pain Protection Reaction - -
Pyrokinesis Skill Magic Magical
Electromagnetic Strike Skill Magic Magical
All for One Skill - -
Order Slash Skill Slash Physical
Aura Blade Skill Slash Magical
Attack (Blade Swordmaster) Attack Slash Physical
Blade Crest [Dojigiri] Skill Slash Physical
Weaponized Chains [Dark Style] Skill - -
Blade Ambush [Uguisu] Skill - -
Cut Off [Koryu] Skill - -
Slasher [Mikazuki] Skill Slash Physical
Certain Death [Juzumaru] Skill Slash Physical
Battle Command [Momijigari] Skill - -
Blade Spirit [Toragozen] Skill - -
Senken Akashi Reaction Slash Physical
Black "Saichi" Lacquer Passive - -
Normal Attack (Dark Laevateinn) Attack Slash Physical
Imprisoning Chains [Dark Style] Skill - -
Mass Chains [Dark Style] Skill Slash Physical
Dancing Chains [Dark Style] Skill Slash Physical
Blackthunder's Boom Skill - -
Celestial Roar Skill Slash Physical
Gloomy Urge Skill - -
Dark Purge Reaction - -
War Dance of Sloth Passive - -
Thirst for Destruction Skill - -
クイックサンダラ Skill Magic Magical
プロテス Skill - -
4連サンダガ Skill Magic Magical
王の剣 Skill - -
コンバースヘイスト Skill - -
ダウンサンダラ Skill Magic Magical
ファストウォール Reaction - -
王家の力 Passive - -
攻撃スキル(コル) Attack Slash Physical
鞘払い Skill - -
溜め2回転振り Skill Slash Physical
闘気解放 Skill - -
溜め居合い抜き Skill Slash Physical
前蹴り Skill Strike Physical
小刀投げ Skill - -
Noiseless Passive - -
踏み込み突き Skill Slash Physical
抜刀反撃 Reaction Slash Physical
不死将軍 Passive - -
ジャストガード Passive - -
通常攻撃(イリス) Attack Strike Physical
ポーション Skill - -
エーテル Skill - -
万能薬 Skill - -
エリクサー Skill - -