AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

The Alchemist Code Skills (Global)

Name Type ATK Type DMG Type
マカトラ Skill - -
プリンパ Skill - -
常世の祈り Skill - -
メディアラハン Skill - -
ランダマイザ Skill - -
超回復 Reaction Special -
絶対零度 Skill Magic Magical
汚れ無き威光 Skill Magic Magical
ハマオン Skill Magic Magical
攻撃スキル(ティターニア) Attack Strike Magical
宵闇の鼓動 Passive - -
宵闇の鼓動 Passive - -
人修羅装備品 Item - -
人修羅ジョブマスター2 Passive - -
人修羅ジョブマスター Passive - -
一分の活泉 Passive - -
魔人の魔力 Passive - -
魔人の剛力 Passive - -
食いしばり Skill - -
デスカウンター Reaction Strike Physical
勝利の息吹 Additional - -
反撃 Reaction Strike Physical
マカジャマオン Skill - -
フォッグブレス Skill - -
暴れまくり Skill Strike Physical
アイスブレス Skill Magic Magical
乱入剣 Skill Slash Physical
突撃 Skill Slash Physical
攻撃スキル(人修羅) Attack Strike Physical
攻撃スキル(人修羅) Attack Strike Physical
(通常)回避オフ Skill - -
クレト刀 Item - -
三分の魔脈 Passive - -
【念装】人修羅真理念装ステータス Passive - -
Flaming Onslaught Skill - -
Suspiciously Hot Mushroom Item - -
Sensational!! Additional - -
Intense Spike Skill Missile Physical
Ethereal Drive Passive - -
Alchemic Wave Skill Magic Magical
High Blade Attack Skill Slash Physical
Crush Gatling Skill Missile Physical
Death Gatling Skill Missile Physical
Piercing Bolt Skill Missile Physical
Debilitating Arrow Rain Skill Missile Physical
Fierce Watchdog Passive - -
Ranged Dark Breath Skill Magic Physical
Violent Trample Skill Slash Physical
Poem of Rising and Falling Resistance Skill - -
Dance of Weakness Skill - -
Waltz [Flowering Spirit] Second Movement Skill - -
Dance of Physical Annulment Skill - -
Body Buff "Attack" Skill - -
Mag Dmg (All) Reaction Special Magical
Phys Dmg (All) Reaction Special Physical
Cyber Plasma Passive - -
Body Buff "Attack" Skill - -
I Can't Stand Magic! Skill - -
Healthy and Happy Skill - -
Curse of Malady Passive - -
Curse of Malady Skill - -
Continuous MATK Up Passive - -
Ring of Light Etude Skill Slash Physical
Blinding Speed Tragoidia Skill Slash Physical
Thousand Light Pageant Skill Slash Physical
Fallen Light Pageant Skill Slash Physical
Uzuma CC Job Master Bonus Passive - -
Spiritual Aroma Passive - -
Scotograph Reaction - -
Sortograph Reaction - -
Aerokinesis Skill Strike Magical
Bilocation Additional - -
Bilocation Additional - -
Instant Shield Skill - -
Electromagnetic Strike Skill Magic Magical
Flare Kinesis Skill Magic Magical
Flare Kinesis Skill Magic Magical
Pain Domination Reaction - -
[Tiferet] Gate of Greed Passive - -
[Dark Julia] Gate of Pride Passive - -
Slide Acclimation Skill Magic Magical
Slide Acclimation Skill Magic Magical
Entrusted Light Reaction - -
Magi Defense Reaction - -
Impulse Blade Skill Slash Physical
Riser Blade Skill Slash Physical
Shadow Boundaries Reaction - -
[Fiona] Gate of Pride Passive - -
[Lil' Ouroboros] Gate of Pride Passive - -
Wind Through the Forest Reaction - -
[Opposing Chasm] Origin’s End Resistance Reaction - -
Dark Reversal Ace Skill - -
Earth Sprite's Conspiracy Reaction - -
Earth Sprite's Strategy Reaction - -
Magic Res Up Reaction - -
Missile Res Up Reaction - -
Strike Res Up Reaction - -
Pierce Res Up Reaction - -
Slash Res Up Reaction - -
[Minario] Gate of Pride Passive - -