Unfulfilled Dark Ambition

Type Equipment
Origin Wratharis
Rarity 5★
Max Level 40
Enhancer Cost 2000
Enhancer EXP 20000
Vision Clear Reward
Limit Break Relief
Memento Group
Basic Information
Do not speak to me for a while. Saying only that, he closed himself off. I am neither boorish nor foolish enough to disturb him at such an hour. Silence is golden. However, I do not believe he found any peace that night. He faced the cane-sword planted in the ground, and spoke to it directly. The darkness within me told me so. (Kenneth Morgan, The Truth of the Shadow Messiah, Testimony of Corvus)
Leader Skill
Unfulfilled Dark Ambition
Raises HP by 40%/PATK by 20%/Slash ATK Power by 20%/Light Res by 20%/Strong vs Envy by 60% for the Memento group "Shadow Messiah"
Target Buff (SelfSide) (CardLsSkill)
Type Min Max
HP +40%
PATK +20%
Slash ATK Power +20
Light Res +20
Strong vs Envy +60
Memento Group
Type Level 1 Level 30 Level 40
PATK +10 +24 +30
Level PATK
1 +10
2 +10
3 +11
4 +11
5 +12
6 +12
7 +13
8 +13
9 +14
10 +14
11 +15
12 +15
13 +16
14 +16
15 +17
16 +17
17 +18
18 +18
19 +19
20 +19
21 +20
22 +20
23 +21
24 +21
25 +22
26 +22
27 +23
28 +23
29 +24
30 +24
31 +25
32 +25
33 +26
34 +26
35 +27
36 +27
37 +28
38 +28
39 +29
40 +30
Shadow Messiah's Sharp Blade
Type Level 1 Level 30 Level 40
Slash ATK Power +5 +12 +15
Level Slash ATK Power
1 +5
2 +5
3 +5
4 +5
5 +6
6 +6
7 +6
8 +6
9 +7
10 +7
11 +7
12 +7
13 +8
14 +8
15 +8
16 +8
17 +9
18 +9
19 +9
20 +9
21 +10
22 +10
23 +10
24 +10
25 +11
26 +11
27 +11
28 +11
29 +12
30 +12
31 +12
32 +12
33 +13
34 +13
35 +13
36 +13
37 +14
38 +14
39 +14
40 +15
Limit Break
Slash ATK Power +2 +3 +5 +7 +9
Unit Group (Trigger + Buff)
To Die Loyal
Type Level 1 Level 30 Level 40
PATK +33 +82 +100
AGI +2 +6 +8
1 +33 +2
2 +34 +2
3 +36 +2
4 +38 +2
5 +39 +2
6 +41 +2
7 +43 +2
8 +44 +3
9 +46 +3
10 +48 +3
11 +50 +3
12 +51 +3
13 +53 +3
14 +55 +3
15 +56 +4
16 +58 +4
17 +60 +4
18 +62 +4
19 +63 +4
20 +65 +4
21 +67 +5
22 +68 +5
23 +70 +5
24 +72 +5
25 +74 +5
26 +75 +5
27 +77 +5
28 +79 +6
29 +80 +6
30 +82 +6
31 +84 +6
32 +86 +6
33 +87 +6
34 +89 +6
35 +91 +7
36 +92 +7
37 +94 +7
38 +96 +7
39 +97 +7
40 +100 +8
Limit Break
PATK +15 +26 +37 +48 +60
AGI +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Unit Group (Trigger)
Unit Group (Buff)
Shadow Army
Type Level 1 Level 30 Level 40
HP +133 +331 +400
Level HP
1 +133
2 +139
3 +146
4 +153
5 +160
6 +167
7 +174
8 +180
9 +187
10 +194
11 +201
12 +208
13 +215
14 +221
15 +228
16 +235
17 +242
18 +249
19 +256
20 +262
21 +269
22 +276
23 +283
24 +290
25 +297
26 +304
27 +310
28 +317
29 +324
30 +331
31 +338
32 +345
33 +351
34 +358
35 +365
36 +372
37 +379
38 +386
39 +392
40 +400
Limit Break
HP +48 +96 +144 +192 +240
Max Limit Break
Light Res +8
Unit Group (Trigger + Buff)
Vision Ability
4-hit Water Slash ATK to enemy unit & Strong vs Fire & raises power for Dark units from Wratharis [Range: 3, Height Range: 2]
Skill Effect
Combo Damage Rate 25%
Combo Hits 4
Type Min Max
Attack 80% 100%
ATK Scaling
1.5 * PATK
Strong vs Fire:
Hide Self Buff
Self Buff
Duration (ActionEnd) 1
Element Dark
Origin Wratharis
Type Min Max
Dark +70 +90
Strong vs Fire +80 +110
Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Hide Target Buff
Target Buff (Self)
Type Min Max
AGI +10
Unit Restriction
Revealed after Limit Reached. Raises AGI after appearing on map.
Unit Restriction