AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code. You can download the game on iOS and Android.


【装備効果】 ◆最大HP+54、物防+12、魔攻+32、風耐性+3、スタン耐性+8、石化耐性+8、移動禁止耐性+8

Skill Details
Type Item
Effect Type Equipment
Target Self
Timing Passive
Target Buff Details
HP (Add)
Min: 54
Max: 81
PDEF (Add)
Min: 12
Max: 18
MATK (Add)
Min: 32
Max: 48
Wind Res (Add)
Min: 3
Max: 5
Stun Res (Add)
Min: 8
Max: 12
Petrify Res (Add)
Min: 8
Max: 12
Bind Res (Add)
Min: 8
Max: 12
Check Target Target
Check Timing Eternal