AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code. You can download the game on iOS and Android.


【装備効果】◆最大HP+14 魔攻+40 魔防+12 会心+9 運+12 火耐性+2 沈黙耐性+7

Skill Details
Type Item
Effect Type Equipment
Target Self
Timing Passive
Target Buff Details
HP (Add)
Min: 14
Max: 21
MATK (Add)
Min: 40
Max: 60
MDEF (Add)
Min: 12
Max: 18
CRIT (Add)
Min: 9
Max: 14
LUCK (Add)
Min: 12
Max: 18
Fire Res (Add)
Min: 2
Max: 3
Silence Res (Add)
Min: 7
Max: 10
Check Target Target
Check Timing Eternal