Turn the Tables

Counterattack and absorb HP when attacked. Jewel Regen for 3 turns. Reacts to skills as well. [Range: 4, Height Range: 3]

Skill Details
Type Reaction
ATK Type Missile
DMG Type Physical
Reaction Damage Type TotalDamage
ATK Scaling 0.8 * (PATK + DEX)
Effect Type Attack
Effect Calc Scale
Effect Value
Min: -30
Max: -20
Effect Rate
Min: 80
Max: 100
Combo Hits 2
Combo Damage Rate 50
Target EnemySide
Range 0-4
Select Range Diamond
Line Type Curved
Height 3
Range Display
Area Display
Timing Reaction
Absorb Damage Rate 70
  • AllDamageReaction
Self Condition Details
Type FailCondition
Rate 100
Value 100
Check Target Target
Check Timing ActionStart
Turns 4
Auto Jewel Rate 20