Violet Light Vodnik

Light Pierce ATK on enemy units in area around self with chance of critical & halves CT & If target's Hit Rate and Evasion Rate have been lowered, greatly raises power and greatly raises own AGI and reduces Jewels Spent to 0 for one turn. [Range: 3, Area: Lateral (5), Height Range: 2]

Skill Details
Type Skill
Cost 42
ATK Type Pierce
DMG Type Physical
Element Light
ATK Scaling 1.5 * MATK
Effect Type Attack
Effect Calc Scale
Effect Value 90
Target EnemySide
Range 0-3
Select Range Cross
Scope 2
Select Scope Wall
Height 2
Range Display
Area Display
Control CT Calc Scale
Control CT Value -50
Control CT Rate 100
Timing Used
  • ExecuteCutin
  • IsCritical
Self Buff Details
Jewels Spent Rate (Add) -100
AGI (Scale) 80
Check Target Target
Check Timing ActionEnd
Turns 2
State Dependent Effect Details
InvSaRate 200
  • Hit Rate
  • IsAnd
  • IsInvSelfBuff