New Year's Blue Thunder

Increases own CT by 100 as an additional action (Can only be activated once per turn) cannot be used successively & Skill Use for "Azure Spirit" not counted for one turn

Skill Details
Type Additional
Cost 0
Effect Type Buff
Target Self
Height 1
Range Display
Area Display
Control CT Calc Add
Control CT Value 1000
Control CT Rate 100
Timing Additional
  • SelfTargetSelect
  • NoUsedJewelBuff
Ability Change Details
Old Oboro Formation Selkie
Star Curtain Ashrei
Seljuk's Sacred Ground
Violet Light Vodnik
Blue Light Soma
New Oboro Formation Selkie
Star Curtain Ashrei
Seljuk's Sacred Ground
Violet Light Vodnik
Turns 1
  • AcSelf