Falling Thunder Circle Dance

After moving, Thunder Missile Mag ATK on targets in area around self that grows more powerful the fuller own HP is & inflicts Bind [Move Area: Diamond (7) (Extendable), Area: Diamond (5), Height Range: 3]

Skill Details
Type Skill
Cost 36
ATK Type Missile
DMG Type Magical
Element Thunder
ATK Scaling 1.5 * MATK
Effect Type Attack
Effect Calc Scale
Effect Value
Min: 8
Max: 16
Effect HP Rate 75
Target GridNoUnit
Range 0-3
Select Range Diamond
Scope 2
Select Scope Diamond
Height 3
Range Display
Area Display
Teleport Type BeforeSkill
Teleport Target NotSelf
Teleport Height 3
Charges 3
Timing Used
  • TeleportIsMove
  • EnableChangeRange
  • EnableHeightRangeBonus
Target Condition Details
Type FailCondition
Rate 100
Value 100
Check Target Target
Check Timing ActionStart
Turns 4