AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code.

Fresh Wind - Essential Delivery

Wind MATK to units within target area & absorbs Jewels & Power is based on user and target's LUCK [Range: 5, Height Range: 4]

Skill Details
Type Skill
Cost 25
ATK Type Magic
DMG Type Magical
Element Wind
ATK Scaling 1.0 * (LUCK * 2 - Enemy's LUCK)
Effect Type Attack
Effect Calc Scale
Effect Value
Min: -30
Max: -15
Ignore Defense Rate -80
Jewel Damage Type Calc
Jewel Damage Value sqrt(Damage) * 2
Target NotSelf
Range 0-5
Select Range Diamond
Height 4
Range Display
Area Display
Cast Type Chant
Cast Speed 360
Charges 5
Timing Used
  • EnableUnitLockTarget
  • IsJewelAbsorb