AlchemistCodeDB is a database for The Alchemist Code. You can download the game on iOS and Android.


真理念装グループが『砂漠の民』のHP20%アップ 斬撃攻撃力10%アップ 沈黙属性20%アップ <暴食>特効10%アップ <憤怒>特効10%アップ

Skill Details
Type Passive
Effect Type Buff
Target SelfSide
Condition CardLsSkill
Timing Passive
Target Buff Details
HP (Scale) 20
Slash ATK Power (Add) 10
Silence (Add) 20
Strong vs Gluttony (Add) 10
Strong vs Wrath (Add) 10
Check Target Target
Check Timing Eternal
Condition CardLsSkill
Custom Target 1
Memento Group